Tiny fingers and curled up toes

Newborn photos of baby Marki by Whangarei photographer Tracey Morris

If you’re a Mum, then there’s a good chance that you are also the memory keeper for your family!

The one who documents every precious moment of your baby’s life, the cute things they do and the stages as they grow. The one that photographs baby’s first bath while Dad is holding them, the first gorgeous giggles, the first toothy grin, the massive mess they make when they start on solids, the bedtime reading with Dad, the first few steps and a hundred other tiny firsts.

But many of us who take on this role, forget to make sure that we are in the photos too. We never feel like we are looking our best, we feel like we need to shift a few kgs first (and the list of excuses goes on).

I am 53yrs old and we have two beautiful girls who have already flown the nest. If I could share one piece of advice from where I now sit, it would be this…

You will probably never feel “ready enough” to have professional photos of your family! It’s one of those things in life you might just need to “feel the fear and do it anyway”.

Do it for your kids and do it for your future self!

I promise when your child turns one, you will look back and be amazed at how fast the time went. How did they go from being that tiny newborn to sitting on their own and throwing their pureed pumpkin back at you from their highchair.

And your future self will be so glad that you had the courage to book professional newborn photos, that have you in them!

I know it’s a crazy time having a newborn in the house! Keeping the house Instagram tidy is absolutely the last thing on your mind. So have I designed my warm and modern home studio so you can just walk out & leave it all behind when you arrive for your photos. I have plenty of room in my home studio so the whole family can be part of the session.

My style is simple & relaxed with baby in a selection of beautiful, neutral coloured wraps and rompers. Your baby will be safe & secure throughout the session mostly in your arms, rather than wrapped and posed in bowls or with props.

Client wardrobe available for Mum and Baby

You are welcome to use any of the dresses from from client wardrobe and I have a small but beautiful selection of neutral coloured wraps and rompers for baby to use if you choose.

We have your Zoom planning session well before you have baby so there’s no need to stress about who’s wearing what on the day. Many of my Mums will have a maternity session with a dress from my client closet and then use the same dress for their newborn session. This works really well when you want to do a collage frame that combine the two sessions.

Precious moments with siblings

I have a gorgeous linen and brass chair (don’t worry it’s pretty kid proof) to capture your newborn with their siblings. Sweet moments that will last a lifetime! (Even if they only last a fraction of a second in the studio – don’t worry I know what toddlers are like!)

Family photo options

I have a couple of options for making sure we get everyone in together as well. We can always jump on the bed for something different and grab a cute shot of you all together. Perfect for when there are active pre-schoolers in the mix! Or I have a mixture of chairs and stools we can use too.

OMG I’m crying they are BEAUTIFUL!!!!  
You have done an amazing job!!!  Thank you for making me so feel so comfortable and beautiful xx
~ Jayden

I’d love to help you start out on your motherhood journey with beautiful simple & relaxed portraits of this special time, that include you in them!

Ready to explore packings & pricing?

Drop me a message if you would like information about the the special offer available if you book your Maternity and Newborn portrait session at the same time.

Contact me